Players: 2
Age: 12+
Languages: English
Although Rebel Raiders on the High Seas is not a card-driven game, the cards ensure that each game is very different, and that a strategy which worked in one game may not prove as efficacious in the next. The game is also customizable with a menu of elective rules to provide each side with a variety of “what if” options to further vary play.
* One 22 x 28 map
* One Rule Book
* One Play Book
* One Players Aid Card
* Eight six-sided dice
* Two decks of 55 cards each (one Union, one Confederate)
* 6 Plastic Stands for Leaders
* 176 5/8” ship counters
* various round, hexagonal, rectangular cargo, victory point, leader, control and informational counters
* 30 small red opaque plastic tokens (to mark pieces which have moved)